Just some four years after the thirty year slide of Greed=Good devastated the economy, except for the rich, the GOP Nominated Gordon Gekko for President!
Seriously! Mitt Romney is a socially conservative* version of the "Greed is Good" Gordon Gekko character from 1987's Wall Street.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Gekko We are supposed to vote for someone whose main qualification is that he excelled at the very activity that crashed our economy devastating the middle class and poor?
Mitt Romney Good for Business?
Mitt Romney does not know how to produce goods or jobs. Mitt Romney knows how to seize control of a company adding the cost of buying the company to the balance sheet of the company, charging huge management fees, and selling off the remains. All the while taking advantage of the tax breaks for being in massive debt as the company normally fails leaving the workers unemployed, pensions destroyed, tax revenue decreased and the tax payers picking up tab.
Mitt Romney Social Conservative?
Sure Mitt Romney is a social conservative. Whatever type of social conservative you want, just tell him what he needs to be get elected and he will say it. Whatever version of Pro Life, Pro Choice, Gay Marriage, Defense of Marriage you want! Seriously I don't know how he stands on these ttpes of issues right now as I haven't checked in a few days.
Seriously everyone we can do better. If the GOP had nominated someone who was an actual Financial Conservative instead of a Corporate Raider he/she/it would be far ahead now. After all its been a tough four years as we slowly dig ourselves out of our self dug financial hole and President Obama is the one left holding the bag. But President Obama is slightly ahead in the poles as the super rich elites precariously perched atop the pile of dirt from our economic grave tell us we need to keep digging.
Seriously GOP you nominated Gordon Gekko!!!