Feb 06, 2012 17:58
In Batman The Animated Series (1993), episode "The Man Who Killed Batman" the joker is delivering the eulogy at a mock funeral for the Batman after his accidental death at the hands of the mob-wannabe Sid the Squid.
The Joker is bemoaning that he will not be able to kill Batman himself, his life long dream: "But those dreams were dashed by the weaselly little gunsel sitting there in our midst. The cowardly insignificant gonif who probably got lucky when Batman slipped on the slime trail this loser left behind him. This mound of diseased hyena filth who's not fit to lick the dirt from my spats..."
Interesting choice of words "gunsel" and "gonif."
Gunsel: yiddish origin: A man kept for homosexual purposes. In prison slang it is the submissive partner.
Gonif: yiddish &/or hebrew: A thief or crook, small time, con artist, grey market
Gunsel is of course the fun slang term because it goes back to Daschel Hammett's original serial version of the Maltese Falcon, since no vulgar terms could be used in the Magazine Blackmask (I think it was) Hammett used the slang term Gunsel assuming the editor would think it was another slang term for a hired gun, and it made it through. It also made it into the Movie. So now Gunsel is another slang term for a gun totting crook, sort of. ;)
maltese falcon