(no subject)

Sep 28, 2005 21:39

Updating town cause I'm bored as hell and I've totally spent way too much time on the net today. I don't know what else to do with myself. I haven't been online heaps lately cause someone is a hogaroo and never lets me on but now he's gone and I'm bored haha. SO I totally organised the bill today at essen and ended up making money? Plus my coffee was free because it took about 80 years to arrive? So yeah.. and yeah and yeah.


Bitching about mypsace is totally cool on lj.. SO i'll do it. Its weird cause I changed my name to gayspace cause it's gay and I just wanna perve on the new pic of luke with eyeliner and stuff and it won't let me so now it's gayspace. But it's all happy to see me and is like "Hello gayspace!" and it's just kinda odd. And you're just kinda odd too. ANyway.. that made me chuckle. SO how cool are teeth.

I wanna cut all my hair off and make it have chunks of black. Or I just want it hella long and it's not fucking growing fast enough and blah. Ohh yeah i'm totally quitting kingsleys on monday (that's after the public holiday) yay. Fuck that place is shit. Good to know I'm leaving.. but haven't told anyone. And Kylie can just go fucking try fucking a pig or something. Whore! Angsty diana.

Friggen yeah. Going out tomrrow if someone will drive me cause im so sick of fucking driving and driving is lame and screw driving and lets get drunk but i hate getting drunk but i have this nasty alcohol at my house i can drink but last time i drank before i went out i spewed for 14 hours but i should get totally smashed tomorrow night cause thats fun and erin is coming out and ive never been totally wasted around her so i may as well cause she is my wife and i dont like using fullstops because they are shit and i am in such a grumpy mood and the keys are going bananas.

Ohh and i totally had 14 hours sleep last night and it was nice. In fact totally im totally like totally going to go sleep or something now. Maybe cry.,.. just for fun.

oh yeha and hate me cause im a pedophile :) do it and im 28
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