Oct 17, 2005 17:51
its so green outside. yum. i love fall. all pumpkin spiced and crispy.
i burned my hand on the oven. on my right hand. that hand is cursed, i swear. its so ugly! i have to hide it.
i thought i was going to fail school today so last night i faked a mental breakdown hoping i could stay home but my mom was like psh, get yo ass to school. so i grumbled. and i today i woke up late and the bus was really late but i went home before it came and i started my essay and then i went to school and somehow managed to do well on all of my tests/ formulated excellent excuses. so my ass is saved thanks to my lies... again... for now.
owww my hand is burning. owowowow i put some yogurt on it but its now become a thick glob of glucose and yogurt cultures. atleast my hand isnt cold anymore.
guard was fun this weekend! yet i was sooo tired... friday-work until 8, then anita's house no sleep because anita snores.. sat 8am practice, constantly running around for like 6 hours... 3:30-5 break, then bus, then comp- lots of fun... i thought one of our drum majors was marching through newark's because im dumb... i actually started cheers! usually im just cheering by myself then i turn red and stop. CH-what up wha- THIS ISNT CHARTER! oh. crap.
so i recently found out all these people do drugs. then i hear the stuff they do while high. hell, i do all that dumb shit anyway... without drugs... like putting wasabi up my nose. oh my. im always on a natural high.
i need more yogurt.
peaz to da middle eest.