Twilight is gay t-shirt

Feb 13, 2010 11:46

This just makes me uncomfortable. Which sucks because I love Alan.

This guy says the shirt's not supposed to be homophobic because it's "entirely a concise observation of objective, indisputable evidence. Evidence like overly-coiffed hair, pretty men, and body glitter."

But I'm not sure how resorting to stereotypes to make fun and devalue a cultural product is not an exercise in homophobia. Body glitter? Hilarious. "Real" men don't wear body glitter! Overly-coiffed hair? "Overly" says it all - men are not supposed to care about their hair! This wouldn't be funny if not for the heterosexist assumption that (straight) men don't do these things (gay men do) because it's not masculine.

This is full of value judgment crap, and not in a positive way at all. Not to mention ultimately, it's extremely problematic to call anyone gay unless you've asked them (or they've made it clear) how they identify, and you certainly can't base your opinion on whether or not the man takes care of his hair. Ugh.

(Don't get me wrong, I think vampires sparkling in Twilight is ridiculous, especially the part where they've got so much shame around sparkling in public, but fuck.)

public, homophobia & heterosexism, twilight for the lulz

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