J'adore le wonk?

Apr 29, 2009 10:04

Why do all things awesome always happen at the same time?

Vancouver's Can't Stop the Serenity screening is June 27, the Saturday after I get back. I REALLY want to go because it's Serenity + Dr. Horrible in the company of awesome Whedon fans and it's all for really great charities.

BUT. My friend Cole's 21 birthday is that weekend, and she's celebrating it in her home city of SAN FRANCISCO, and it is the weekend of SF PRIDE PARADE and people are ROAD-TRIPPING down to San Francisco to go to the event and I want to be there partying with everyone and doing Pride in San Fucking Francisco SO BAD.

Dilemma. >.>

Mind you, Dilemma might be solved if I'm selected to be a Youth Leader at the Fyrefly Camp since the training sessions start on Sunday, June 28 and since SF Pride is on the same day, I doubt I could do both. Which sucks! I want to be able to do all three. ;_;

Now let's cut on the unwarranted melodrama and share some links! It's metaquotes-approved funny.

On patient zero for the swine flu.

Je wank, tu wank(s?), il wank, nous wankons... The double-entendre is pretty amusing, too. ^^

links, french, public, firefly & the bdhs are shiny love, funny lolz, personal life

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