So, despite every single professional body in the field having concluded that abstinence-only education does not prevent unwanted, out-of-wedlock pregnancies, the United States of America is still proud to have morons like this gentleman
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As for sex-ed, I do remember pleasure being mentioned. It must have been in quatrième or troisième (senior in junior high or freshman in high school), and was by an outside intervenant who was talking about HIV and other STD prevention with large gender homogene groups. But then again, what sense does it make to tell kids that sex is only about reproduction and that they should use condoms, that usually avoid just that (in addition to a few nasty viruses and bacterias)?
However, in both these cases (the education I recieved through my parents and at school), the focus was only on heterosexual sex (though not necessarily only about penetration - I remember being really embarassed when I was fifteen and my father drew a penis to explain my sister and I how to do a blow job). As for the clitoris, I only learned more about its anatomy and how it works through diverse associations, not really long ago.
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