an interview of Joss where he talks about future projects. I can't wait to see his ballet with Summer, and I really hope he'll go through with his idea of producing something without the studios. If the strike should teach us anything, it's that the creative community can, and should be able to create outside this for-profit approach.
Joss posted on UnitedHollywood to express his opinion of the rumors going around that the strike might end this weekend (or soon, anyway). He's turned pretty radical, and I absolutely love that. He does have a tendency in his rants to turn the moguls into evil-doers to an extent that's manichean (and I know he knows that), but you know what? Unfortunately, I think it's true that there is a category of people, up there at the top of corporations, that has absolutely lost touch with the way most of us make money and most of us live. This obsession with profit and stockoptions is not healthy; it's a creation, and it completely disconnect money earning from the real world and the production of actual goods (even if they're intellectual goods). I unfortunately really believe these people's agenda is not to be fair, or to give people enough so they can live decently. It's to take as much as possible, so they can make more profit for their company. That cannot be forgotten, even if the strike stops Sunday. Because it doesn't stop being true.
On that note, I'm off to research water privatization. Perfect topic to reconcile myself with capitalism!