All right, so let's talk a little bit about the weekend of Friendship, Fun and Fiesta!!!!! (no 4F!) So yeah, everybody's here (well a few have come and gone but mostly, everybody's here) and nobody's dead yet... YAY!!!
So, about FRIDAY :
- Back and forth between home and train station. Again. And again. We picked up number of people and then Bike-man 1 arrived with his bike (and was welcomed with a huge hug) (Bike-man 1 also known as Frederic). We ate pizza, a cake
fan_elune made and a Kouign Aman Dadou'd brought and then whatever we could get our hands on.
- RPG game with Frederic,
the_swordman, Dadou,
heikki_cheren, Fan' and
pee_wai. Best part was my being able to do 4 critical failures IN A ROW. I mean, it's worthy of Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guilderstern. Plus, I was using a magic stick. As in, technically I just had to move my stick (er-) and boom, it shot balls of fire. No actual magic mojo needed on my part. But no. I almost ended up with rumps instead of hands... Yay for beating laws of probability!!
- All the other people played a game of the Friends board game.
yodah was clearly the lucky guy of the night since he ended up playing with, er, I think 7 girls. 3 of whom pretended to be guys to be able to team up with him. According to the laughter and excitement coming from the first floor, it was a lot of fun.
- While Fan' and Frederic were upstairs writing their RPG, we sat around the living room table and went through all the questions of the Friends board game. Most interesting were obviously the 18 questions, we had an extremely good times thanks to those. *evil grin* Fan', you probably *should* have been there to prevent me from answering some of those questions ;) ;)
- My blue Florida shorts and my new orange pants got *a lot* of comments. I think there should be a quota of tease directed at me and my clothes.
- Day starting at 8:30, aggggh, in order to wake up Fan' so she could walk Dadou back to the station. Tried to crash again afterwards, was soon woken up by people downstairs planning a wonderful TV show entitled something like "I've chosen to...". I think there was a show for me "I've chosen to wear orange pants". The rest of the time, I was the one holding the signs "Applaud", "Boo" and all... Glad to see I could be useful on a TV set according to my friends :-p
- Jude, aka Bike Man 2, arrived. 'nough said.
- I managed to get Clémence to arrive to my place. somehow. Kudos to my mom for being able to explain her the way around rennes better than me, I don't think she would have been among us otherwise.
- A lot of hanging out and resting in the grass for the afternoon. People went downtown, thanks to Hélène who still had to get me my present (yay oldest best friend!! great organisation ;) ;). Then Fan' and I got a bike ride on Jude and Frederic's bikes. Fun fun fun, though I'm glad we couldn't go much much faster. I do have a weird relationships to bikes. They're somewhat fascinating but I hate them without really hating them. Anyhoot.
- Present time!!! I got :
An amazing poster of bottlenose dolphins in a frame ; a Snoopy moneybox ; a picture holder with ducks ; a CD holder (y'know, those things that you put CDs in? I desperatly needed one, actually) ; a pendant from New Zeland ; a book about magic ; the complete UnoSto, printed and binded (woot woot!!) ; the Cruel Intentions DVD (yay lovely people who read my LJ!!) ; a collection of short movies dealing with gay people in DVD (wheee!!!) ; a silver bracelet with blue pearls ; an orca pendant, Native American art-like ; a glass with a little horse in it that you can light up (real hard to explain, real cool to look at) ; a coupon for the Buffy Season 7 DVD set (ay ay!!) ; a strip-tease by Yod' (woot woot, though as Fan' said, there needs to be a girl next time, too :-p) ; a sweet Manolo T-shirt that says "Le tort tue" ; awesome drawings that make me soooo jealous ;) ; and nice, nice cards including one with a kangaroo and her joey :) :) (and awww content, too)
(I hope I didn't forget anything)
I'll tell the tale of Saturday night later, cuz I'm tired and also I wanna go and read Fan' & Frederic's written RPG. But it was good, included crazy dancing, a nice slow, some young-people soft making out, breaking of pots and a park adventure, and it was good. Wheee!! Tomorrow, real b-day day and hopefully good stuff to come with it. *evil grin*
Viva Brün & Broomir!!!!!!!