Valentines Day

Feb 14, 2006 20:51

I remember when I was younger, back in Wingo.. we would have to make valentines boxes out of shoe boxes and decorate them. Then we would all put our character (disney and power rangers primarily) valentines win each others boxes. Everyone would count how many valentines they got and brag about it... as well as seeing if their crush had given them one or more valentines. After we had exchanged our girts, we would have a contest for the best valentines box. I won several times, because I was really into decorating those shoe boxes.

Yeah... blast from the past.

before school- tried to find APES stuff on internet, no luck. went to the yearbook room where megan came with me to put up interact signs. andrew intercepted and made me come with him to his locker. so he gave me his present, and much to his dismay (and my embarassment), i left his in the car... so he had to wait all day.

homeroom- opened my present... candy and a necklace. heh, i dont like jewlery generally, but i like this. b/c i haven't seen anything quite like it before and i like original stuff. umm yeah, this was for
underclassmen to choose classes for next year so us seniors had nothing to do. oh! vote for the homecoming court.

assembly- couldn't find anyone to sit with unti kelsie hollered at me. so i had to climb over the rail and shimmy down in order to not fall. truly surprised i didnt get in trouble for that daring physical feat considering how many people i could've injured. its not that i wanted to be defiant (well not entirely) but there was no seats and people were in a standstill. so it was either standstill and wait to be herded to who knows where or take my chances and sit with kels and meagn. obviously, i took my chances.
the cheerleaders got recognized and we all watched their performance. dismissed for class and we just sit there because we could. finally left and i was walking up the stairs, andrew came up and grabbed me. i gave him a hug and what not for my present. lol i do like it.

1st block- worked for our 30 minute block so i got everything turned in. had to be filmed for the homecoming court. lol. i think my hair was shocking and i was bouncy. ah well.

break- went to interact meeting with justin, interrupted a lot because someone needed to be excited.

apes- got out of group presentations again. hoorah for sarah green being awesome like that. spent about 15 minutes goofing off.
finished our jepoardy game, and me and bryan morgan owned them. the others were sore losers even though they were cheating with their books and notes out, we won fair and square.HAH. take that and enjoy it.
got a valentines coke from my secret admirer.


lunch- wasn't hungry, so i just drank my coke and ate some v-day candy. andrew told me he was gonna sit with me. i tried to distract him and steal a fry as a joke and he laughed. teddy was much better at pulling it off than i was.

3rd block- overby wasn't here. had to do group project involving animal cracker statistics. we got to eat 'em and i kept my box because it was pimp.

4th block- had to draw another still life. umm counseled my freshman friends because someone needs to. um yeah. christian makes me laugh, and apparently he isn't gay.

after school- lots of random hanging out. andrew got his gift and he laughed then accused me of trying to fatten him up.
mine, andrews and adams conversation about my necklace (i'll let you figure out whos who)
amour? wahts that mean? love in french. really? no, it means toilet paper. well, i toilet paper you. you would. geez louise, it was joke. AMOUR AMOUR AMOUR. wait, thats spanish too. yes, but spelled differently. does it mean love? yes, in both languages. what about toilet paper? it was a joke. oh.

came home only to leave for paducah.
ate at TGI fridays, and i ate A LOT. the waiter was flirting with me and asked about my broken "digit". good times.

went to best buy and andrew called. talked for a bit then i let him go b/c he needed to do homework.

called paul and he made me laugh.

went to pick up my homecoming dress and its tres pretty.

um came home. read stuff for APLIT. talked, tried to help bottoms and randee, no luck.

now i'm gonna go read some more.

audios mi amigos and happy valentines day.
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