Apr 03, 2005 23:19
so spring break is over. and im not happy. who would be? you wanna know the most depressing thing about it? its not that i have to wake up to go there. b/c i can deal w/ that. its that i have realized that the most beautiful thing about graduating is that i won't have to see anyone. i missed not a single person over spring. break. (sorry if im a bitch) its b/c i can see everyone i want to see. i dont' care about 'school friends' at all anymore. lizzy and char. only wilde lake kids i need. if anyone is offended, think about and think if u wanted to see me. cuz u prolly didn't. and im cool w/ it. its just usually, i DO NOT wanna go back after spring break but i can usually say ITS OK ILL SEE PEOPLE I HAVN'T SEEN. but yeah like i said... who cares about mmm ANYONE?
managed the hut all day today. it was chill cuz it was me matt jesse shana and darrell. so it was a relaxing day. when the night shift got there i flipped out on them and everyone looked at me weird. BUT IM NOT LETTING THEM TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME MANAGING JUST B/C IM THERE FRIEND.
i am going to kill shanas dad. he hit her again today. he is such an ass. IM SO FUCKING PISSED THINKING ABOUT IT. im rescuing her from him next weekend.
after work me and matt chilled. we watched 50 first dates. it was sad if u ask me. it was nice just relaxing w/ him.
buh bye spring break. BEST SPRING BREAK.