Undercover By grinchgurl Britt, Kato m11u Pg-13

Mar 02, 2011 23:15

Title: Undercover
Author: grinchgurl
Characters: Britt/Kato
Rating: pg-13
Word Count: 1,402
Universe: M11U
Genre: General
Warning: None

Summary: Written for the prompt: A new crimelord is on the up and rising, behind the cover as a rich owner of (random company of your choice). The Green Hornet obviously finds out, and wants to take him down, but Britt's (not so) genial plan to find enough evidence is to send Kato undercover to a huge, fancy charity party this dude is hosting -as a girl. Britt Reid has obviously been invited to this party, and if he brings some asian eyecandy that slips away -who's going to notice? Much less conspicious than bringing a very male friend, anyway.

Cue bitchfighting, and a seriously pissed off Kato being dressed up by Lenore to Britt's cheering. Think this outfit or similar: http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/342596923/club_waiter_uniform_ZWD_927_ZWD_927A.jpg

Now, Kato has to work it and get the evidence needed to sink the bad guy while simultainously avoiding unwanted attention from the men at the party... including the bad boss who's very interested in the pretty asian chick and wants nothing more than to molest her in some dark room.

Whatever happens next, well, that is up to you! Kato being traumatized by all the unwanted touching and serious molesting needing Britt to rescue him, or Kato kicking butts in high heels, maybe Britt likes the outfit more than he wants to acknowledge... well, your imagination sets the limit!

Err... long prompt is... long? =u=;;

(This is just the first part, I need sleep, the rest should be up tomorrow)

Link : http://grinchgurl.livejournal.com/8832.html

character: kato, character: britt reid, character: lenore case, rating: t/pg-13, verse: 2011 movie, author: grinchgurl, word count: 1k+

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