Title: Goodbye, My Almost Lover
xapplekiss Characters: Britt/Kato
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 833
Universe: M11U
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, romance
Warning: Violence
Notes: lols. The title. XDDD
Summary: Filled for the prompt: 'Kato finally gets so fed up with Britt that he leaves for good. You can go one of two ways with this, methinks: either Britt convinces him to come back or Kato stays gone for good.
Either way, cue broken!Britt and angst. Doesn't really matter which prompt, I just need the angst. But please, no major character death; I can't handle that.'
"You are so stubborn!" Kato screamed as they entered the residence. "You almost got us killed!" He wailed his arms in a irritated manner.