Title: Animal Urges
xapplekiss Characters: Britt/Kato, Mike, Lenore, OC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2267
Universe: M11U
Genre: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Biting, Rape, Animal Urges.
Notes: lols. Britt getting bit by another guy. [XDDDD] And this is soooo fucked up.
Summary: Filled for the prompt: Britt gets bitten by a werewolf, starts slowly turning more agressive and having animal urges, ends up claiming Kato as his mate (dub-con/non-con, perhaps?)
Britt remembered when his dad read him stories before going to bed. But it wasn't stories about The Little Mermaid, Superman or stuff like that. His dad shared him stories about horror. Ghosts, Vampires, Monsters, you name it.