Title: All Things Run Out
Characters: broken!Britt/Kato, Lenore
Rating: R
Word Count: 1951
Universe: M11U
Genre: Angst, Romance, Fluff
Warning: Character Death and angst. Pure angst.
Notes: Gosh. Spoilers hurt me sometimes, especially if it's sad. ;_; I wanna feel at least a little better by writing this fic.
Summary: Filled for the prompt: Even though Britt can't do all those fancy martial arts moves Kato does, he's just as badass as him. He doesn't need training and has not intention of learning, he'll rely on his dumb luck, his gun, his jokes, and on Kato to kick ass! It's always been like that and it's the perfect strategy for Britt.
They both were like that for years and it worked, but guns run out of ammo, comedians out of jokes, and people out of luck, and one day it caught up to Britt.
Kato wondered how he ever continued living after that day. He wondered how he ended up here, in this old crappy restaurant, asking for peoples orders, when in reality, he could be kicking ass. But he didn't get the courage ever since that day he was gone. Forever.