The Once and Future King

Dec 25, 2012 00:44


O Merlin in your crystal cave
Deep in the diamond of the day,
Will there ever be a singer
Whose music will smooth away
The furrow drawn by Adam's finger
Across the memory and the wave?
Or a runner who'll outrun
Man's long shadow driving on,
Break through the gate of memory
And hang the apple on the tree?
Will your magic ever show
The sleeping bride shut in her bower,
The day wreathed in its mound of snow
and Time locked in his tower?

- Edwin Muir

It was beautiful, even if the word beautiful doesn't do it justice. It's what I would have hoped for, if I had seriously thought the writers would do the end justice. Seriously, I was just hoping there'd actually be a magic reveal. I'd read several disturbing articles/interviews that implied the writers didn't really feel the reveal was necessary.


A lot of fans seem to be sad, which I understand. I *am* sad, but I am also happy because it was perfect, it was true to the legend and for an adaption like Merlin, that's saying something. But then, they've always managed to get the heart of the Arthurian legend right, even when I have problems with other parts of the storytelling.

They are my Arthur, my Merlin, now and always.

It was beautiful. It was good. It was true.

once and future king oh yeah, merlin, arthur

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