What could inspire that level of fear?

Jun 25, 2010 17:19

A very random, rambling post on 'The Pandorica Opens.' Spoilers and speculations ahead.

So a painting a of splodey Tardis is a very bad thing. Obviously. I do not want this to happen. And yet apparently it has and the world has fallen into silence. (Is it wrong that I think Vincent's painting is beautiful, in a horrible sort of way?) The Doctor must find a way out of this silence, naturally.

But how? There are lots of theories flying around ze Internets, naturally. As there are probably many different ways it could end, and I would probably like most of them, I'm going to stick instead with the things I don't want to see in the finale.

1. It's all imaginary! Amy dreamt the whole thing, and the episode ends with the Doctor going to meet her for the first time. This would suck, in my opinion.

2. Rory being dead for good. I want their relationship to be sorted reasonably, like adults. Not because he died and she can't get fucking closure.

3. We don't find out anything more about River Song. I'm almost at the point where I'm really bugged when she turns up and HINTS. I just want someone to come out and say, "Yes, the Doctor and I are shagging/married/adopted-mother-and-son/whatever.

4. A cliffhanger. PLEASE, DEAR GOD, don't let Moff end on a cliffhanger.

I really thought there was more...but apparently not. Hmm.

Random thoughts -

I do get horribly annoyed when Amy is up against the Cybermen or the Daleks because she's not properly worried about facing them, because SHE DOESN'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT THE DANGER IS. Sorry. I just feel the Doctor should have told her one or two things. He has to know they'll bump into them again. They always do.

That is one of the few drawbacks to season 5. I sometimes feel like the world Amy is in is far more dangerous, because she doesn't know what's come before her. The history isn't there. It's there with the Doctor, obviously. I do realize it takes time to build up that history together and whatnot, but the problem is...the Doctor does think of Amy as a little girl, and he's bent on protecting her even more so than he protected Rose, Martha and Donna.
Now, on the plus side of Less History is Less Emo...so that's good. Yes, I'm still bitter about 10's emo end. Sorry. That is all.

Honestly...I could see all these villains getting together and figuring out a plan...Except the Daleks. For some reason, I see them as being the sticklers who refuse to play nicely with the other baddies.

Random -

I want to go under Stonehenge. Hmph.

Good quotes -

"Arise, Roman person."

"There's gonna be a point to that. I'll get back to you."

"Look at me, I'm a target!"

There was going to be more to this, but I'm le tired.

end of the world, telly, doctor who

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