
May 11, 2010 00:29

If I Were......

If I were a month I’d be October.
If I were a day I’d be Thursday.
If I were a time of day I'd be midnight.
If I were a font I'd be Garamond...maybe?
If I were a sea animal I’d be a seahorse.
If I were a direction I’d be North.
If I were a piece of furniture I’d be a desk.
If I were a liquid I’d be water.
If I were a gemstone I’d be a ruby.
If I were a tree I’d be an oak.
If I were a tool I’d be a screwdriver.
If I were a flower I’d be a hawthorn.
If I were an element of weather I’d be a thunder storm.
If I were a musical instrument I’d be an electric guitar.
If I were a color I’d be forest green.
If I were an emotion I’d be desire.
If I were a fruit I’d be a muscat grape.
If I were a sound I’d be rain.
If I were an element I’d be fire.
If I were a car I’d be a '67 Chevy Impala.
If I were a food I’d be pizza.
If I were a place I’d be a forest.
If I were material I’d be worn jeans.
If I were a taste I’d be salty.
If I were a scent I’d be a summer night.
If I were a body part I’d be a hand.
If I were a song I’d be "Crawling Back To You" - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.
If I were a bird I’d be a hawk.
If I were a gift I’d be a ticket to England.
If I were a city I’d be London.
If I were a door I’d be open to another time.
If I were a pair of shoes I’d be leather boots.
If I were a poem I’d be -

We were very tired, we were very merry--
We had gone back and forth all night upon the ferry.
It was bare and bright, and smelled like a stable--
But we looked into a fire, we leaned across a table,
We lay on the hill-top underneath the moon;
And the whistles kept blowing, and the dawn came soon.

We were very tired, we were very merry--
We had gone back and forth all night on the ferry;
And you ate an apple, and I ate a pear,
From a dozen of each we had bought somewhere;
And the sky went wan, and the wind came cold,
And the sun rose dripping, a bucketful of gold.

We were very tired, we were very merry,
We had gone back and forth all night on the ferry.
We hailed, "Good morrow, mother!" to a shawl-covered head,
And bought a morning paper, which neither of us read;
And she wept, "God bless you!" for the apples and the pears,
And we gave her all our money but our subway fares.

Or maybe this one...

How many miles to Babylon?
Threescore and ten.
Can I get there by candle-light?
Yes, and back again.
If your heels are nimble and light,
You may get there by candle-light.

OR maybe this one - I can't just be one poem.

Gray Eyes - Sara Teasdale

It was April when you came
The first time to me,
And my first look in your eyes
Was like my first look at the sea.

We have been together
Four Aprils now
Watching for the green
On the swaying willow bough;

Yet whenever I turn
To your gray eyes over me,
It is as though I looked
For the first time at the sea.

poetry, memes

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