Nov 14, 2006 19:41
The Man Song makes me happy.
"I don't take no crap from anyone...else but you"
He's the man.
I want to swing dance :3
Come on, man, lets get this show movin'.
Oh, this is so exciting - only... ::counts:: six more days until the girl with the hat comes home.
Lessee, the list grows with things that must be done while home. So far we're up to playing with my puppy, driving my car, seeing the crew, seeing saw 3 with the crew, doing secret santa with the crew, eating pancakes with the crew after a movie night, having a movie night with the crew, doing laundry for free, sleeping in a soft bed, getting at least one new game for the ds, downloading some music that isn't on dcgate++, making a doctor's appointment for december, working on THE LAST SPEECH, talking to Lesley, seeing my dad, poking debbie, visiting the old school for the alumni thing, and hopefully getting time to play that video game I mentioned earlier in this little paragraph thingy.
this is gonna be one loooong ass day.
"I'm top dog around here, but I've been neutered."