The Artful Vandelays, a talented & inventive local band have released their new EP, Four Ring Circus. The buzz on the EP is growing & I have this to tide me over as I've been keen on seeing the band live for months. The 4 songs therein bear soothing & ambient soundscapes tastefully juxtaposed to a kind of high-tension post-punk rock.
I remember hearing shimmering intro of Pyramid Scheme on their website about a year ago when I first learned of TAV. That shimmer gave way to a tide of energy that captured my interest & I began to follow their path. Now having the chance to give the disc a thorough listening, I'm sure other three songs you'll find on Four Ring Circus are easily as alluring. The sound is intricate, beautifully layered, and definitely powerful.
Live performance is still on the plate especially after a tease like Four Ring Circus. There is a progressive flavor to the band not unlike The Mars Volta. As the band continues to grow, I see it drawing attention from many sources and I I'm glued to see how they evolve.
The EP is well worth the $5. Grab it at their next live show. You'll likely see me there.