Jun 09, 2007 21:59
I watched NBN's Youth Voice a while ago. It was University of Sto. Tomas versus University of the Philippines, Los Baños. Former was government and latter, the opposition. The house stands for a genuine tuition fee regulatory board or body. Consequently, the opposition stood against it. I thought that it will be a one-sided match, a give-away. Even though debating is one of our fortes, the topic and the bias it entails was definitely the 'it' for the UST debaters. But no. They did horrendously. Big time.
Opposition Whip states that CHED and DepEd already serve the provisions of the government's stand. Also, the prerogative to increase the tuition fee, after the screening of the said governing bodies, lies absolutely to the school owners. A law capping the tuition fees here in the country might be the answer, not a repetitive regulatory body or the like.
Italicized is the Opposition Whip. In quotations are the government's interpolation, Government Rebuttal. The bold one is up to you. Either is amusing. Hahahahaha. Just for everyone's benefit, it's the government's.
"So sir, are you saying that regulating is the same as capping?"
I didn't say that. What I've said is that instead of forming a regulating body, which is useless for CHED and DepEd already exist, the proposition should be changed into passing a law which will cap tuition fee increase.
"Sir, you stated that many factors affect tuition fee increase. Isn't the inflation rate enough basis for tuition fee hikes? And if so, isn't a regulatory body a necessity, for inflation rates are constantly fluctuating?"
Inflation rate isn't everything, madame. Wages, morality, crime rate, mortality rate, investments, and many more affect tuition fees. You're an accounting major. I'm an economics graduate. Don't argue with me about this. Given that a school increased its tuition fee, a student is still free to choose whether he can stay on the same school or leave and enroll on another cheaper, more affordable school like public or state universities or colleges.
"But then, let's face it. You have to be really intelligent to enter state universities."
That's the end for debating aspirants there in UST. They've made their biggest on-cam academic fiasco yet. I wish for it never to happen again. Imagine that last statement. The awe on the face of the Chairperson. The smiles and the jeers on the side of UP Los Baños. The cold drop of sweat on the side of her left cheek when she let those words out. Come on. I thought UST had the edge.
But no. They did horrendously. Big time.
i cannnot believe it will come to this.