
May 03, 2008 19:18

My, this is certainly a queer sort of place! And a queer sort of device this, too--like a typewriter but more complicated. I always did have trouble with the keys on the Master's--they are not a convenient size for paws--and this is no different. Still, I expect I shall get the hang of it, and the purring noise it makes is quite reassuring.

It seems this is New York! Without a doubt further afield than I've ever been before, and I must say it looked very different in pictures. Not to mention the fact that a fellow has to wonder how he came to be in America when he'd only the night previously been in England! Queer indeed. I can't say I've ever heard of anything like it, and I've heard a fair few peculiar things in my time.

Anyhow I'm led to understand this typewriter television machine is some means of communication. So, if anybody could see his way clear to helping a fellow make his way back across the Atlantic, or at the very least to work out how I might go about sending a telegram abroad from here, I should be very much grateful. Not, of course, to say that I'd not love to look around your city-whatever could have happened to it, though, to leave it in this sort of state?-but I hate to think how my wife and kittens must worry!
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