Critical Thinking in Critical Times

Mar 10, 2007 00:58

In the past year, I've heard a lot of big talk about "community" from mouth-breathing amoebas on Prozac who fell completely silent when I brought up my ideas that were in direct opposition to their aspirations of eventual totalitarian land baronism.

Insane ideas like dumpster diving and critical mass bicycle parades and turning over abandoned buildings to the homeless tend to upset the apple cart... don't even suggest painting an elaborate mural on a gray, ugly cinderblock warehouse. That's just crazy talk. What it all amounts to is how hard they want to see you slave for your money and what dollar amount they can put on whatever they have to sell you, just slightly out of your reach, just so you have to claw and scrape for it even more. You work your ass off, you get paid, you pay your bills and purchase your essentials and little entertainments for what? What we all wind up with is the burning question, "Where the fuck did my money go?"

That's not so much a problem if everything you desire is equally traded for or free, now is it? When money rules our existence, we all become conservative asshole consumerists who want to see the other guy drown in his own shit. When we barter or let things go, we begin breathing a whole lot better. We become a hell of a lot nicer to one another. We begin to put others' needs ahead of our own. That goes for me, too. I have always been more than willing to trade out my artistic skills for my needs. Just talk to me.

Well, to bring this missive to a close, I want all of you to think of me as a facillitator of events, best of all if the events are free of charge and the pay and reward is attending in large numbers to take our neighborhoods and the City of Charlotte back from the greedy bastards who think they own everything. If you are in Canada, England, Australia, wherever, I am sure you can apply this to how you can jumpstart your own efforts.

Let's do something, my friends. The Spring and Summer months are upon us.
The time is now.


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