May 22, 2012 01:09

From the lightning in the sky
As it pass'd me flying by - Edgar Allen Poe

This is my very first set for 20inspirations and the theme was so perfect timing for my first time! I instantly knew who I wanted to be inspired by, the illustrator & imagineer Edmund Dulac. I've made my 20 icons for this round and I can honestly say I'm proud of each and every one. I sort of obsessed over them since Saturday (when I started), so I'm glad to be here finally posting them. Included after the set of icons I've got my explanation for each icon (if you aren't interested, of course, that is A-OK!) :D

Daughter of the Stars, word: Shadows, word: sculpted, painted, word: marble

texture, word: bold, word: smoke, word: expressionist, word: outline

picture, texture, texture, dulac style, circle

expressionist, picture, shadows, picture, expressionist

1- Took inspiration from Daughters of the Stars by Edmund Dulac [IMAGE]. I loved the bright white and blue mixed with the bit of purple.
2- This icon had shadows in mind, which is why I partially included the beautiful Edmund Dulac piece, Alone [IMAGE], an illustration from The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. The white silhouette is Edmund Dulac's work.
3- The word was sculpted, so I give you some sculpted Sherlock backside. Drew a lot of inspiration from Dulac's color palette as well.
4- I attempted a painted/watercolor style using a crap load of layers, filters, smudging, and what appears to be, a zombie touch. Although this isn't my style, it was F.U.N! Kept with the light sadness of Dulac's colors.
5- I married a helicopter pilot, therefore, when a helicopter is involved that isn't exploding, I'm totally down to icon it. I thought this might look marbled.
6- I used the texture from lookslikerains set of textures titled Up In Arms. I drew a lot of this inspiration from Beauty & The Beast (another book illustrated by Edmund Dulac seen here.)
7- Word: bold- Used a very firery brush texture from firsttimelady, which I felt perfectly fit this scene. What better way to make sparks fly than a little play.
8- Word: smoke- It may be a literal representation of the insiration word, but I thought it fitting. I used a texture created by lookslikerain (Same set as last), as well a light smokey texture created by shalowater.
9- Word: expressionist- The look of this icon was suppose to look like a canvas. Not sure if I did that, but I like how it looks.
10- Word: outline- Took a ton of inspiration from the beautiful pieces by Edmund Dulac, especially Dreamer of Dreams [IMAGE] & Entymologist's Dream [IMAGE].
11- Took a lot of inspiration from this one given by Hannah Höch. Loved the coloring (which I achieved using a fuuurs texture) and the use of collage styling.
12- Edgar Allen Poe in my opinion was an artist with words, which is why I initially was more drawn into doing Edmund Dulac as an inspiration for this set. Dulac created several illustrations for Poe's work, which made Alone sort of an interest of mine. [Alone Image]. [Alone by Poe]. I took words from the poem and used a texture created by fuuurs.
13- Texture by fuuurs (Should I start paying you for all this texture gold?) - Grabbed inspiration from Arabian Nights illustration by Dulac, [IMAGE].
14- Dulac was my overall theme for this icon- his work can at times be very bright and light, but the theme in the drawing would be dark, and sometims menacing. His work in fairy tale illustrations is beautiful. I tried to make it have the sweeping look of a brush. Hopefully I achieved something cool. hehe!
15-Word: circle- The bottom line is Morse Code for Watson (at least to the best of my knowledge) :)
16- Word: expressionist- Attempted a canvas/painted look again, I wanted to do something with an expressionist feel to it, without really going too wild.
17- Inspired by the inspiration [IMAGE] by Derrek Gores, I created this icon with the lovely assistance of lessrest's gorgeous texture. I added the text with the idea of spinning headlines, etc.
18- Word: shadows- "James Moriarty isn't a man at all. He's a spider. Spider at the center of a web. Criminal web with a thousand threads and he knows precisely how each and every single one of them dances." The text seemed fitting as he climbs the stairs in this episode. So chilling! Thanks to innocent_lexys for the textures used in the icon.
19- This icon is entirely inspired by Dulac's piece from 1906 titled Father Time [IMAGE]. I drew inspiration from the quality of the piece and the coloring. I love the bottled essence of life in the piece, so I found that this cap fit a bit perfectly. Hopefully it's not too God awful. LOL!
20- Word: expressionist + Dulac inspiration from Entymologist's Dream [IMAGE]. I seriously could keep iconing my way through the night, but since I've made it to my 20, I shall stop for now. :)






Musical Inspirations:
Dark Knight Rises soundtrack
Ebla by E.S. Posthumus
Tron Legacy soundtrack


Textless icons are not bases. Do not edit.

Save to your own server and credit off of LJ as well.

Leaving comments are greatly appreciated! Thank you for viewing my icons. :D

icons: sherlock

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