Apr 13, 2012 15:38


Now, I've made a few textures now and again, but I've never actually shared them (in fear that they'd be ridiculous to everyone. LOL!) but for inspired20in20 this month, it is a resource theme and well, I couldn't pass the opportunity to try my hand at something a bit new for me. Hopefully you all find these useful. I created them using my Honeymoon pictures. We went to Disneyworld and let me just say, FULL OF COLOR and WONDER, when it comes to creating cool textures (IMO).

I would love to see what you've created using any of these textures! Please do share! (Also, credit isn't necessarily required, but I'd ask you not recycle as your own. Thank you.)

Two non 100x100 textures. Oddities really.


Save to your own server and credit off of LJ as well (if you choose to do so).

Leaving comments are greatly appreciated! Thank you for viewing my textures. :D

!textures, !resourcepost

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