May 12, 2011 13:25
So, yesterday I drove to Denver to have an acupuncture treatment. Everyone I told was like "AAH! Doesn't that hurt? AAAH! That's so scary! AAAH!" And I wasn't nervous.
Well, that's a lie. I'm such a worrywart, but not about things that matter. You want to know the honest truth? I was more nervous about driving there, finding a place to park, and missing work than I was about the treatment itself. I mean, go figure.
So, it's pouring rain and I get to the place, and I'm all for self-congratulations so I said "You MADE it Anne, I'm proud of you!" And I go inside and I wait my turn. After meeting with the acupuncturist for a while, she lays me down on the bed thing and pulls up my shirt to access my back. Then she put in a few, maybe 6 needles in my back, and one in each ankle. Then she turned on an electric volt thing on them, and put a warm sun lamp over my back, and left me to just... zen out for like a half hour. There was a meditation thing playing, and I was just listening along feeling warm and all that, and then I totally fell asleep. I know I fell asleep because I sort of jerked and chewed the inside of my mouth.
After a half hour she came back in, took the needles out, and said for me to take my time getting up. I felt like someone had hit me with a serenity hammer, because I sort of dazedly walked out and paid for the visit, then got in my car and proceeded to come home. But it's like I was in this fog, and it was really nice.
I even saw someone road raging really hard when I was close to my home, and instead of getting worked up about it I was like "Elton John has a nice voice la la la" and then I didn't stress when I came back to my computer and saw that I had a few things to do. No biggie!
So long story short, acupuncture is relaxing and makes me feel like I'm drugged in a happy fog. I think I'll go again :)