Well its been a while and im bored!
I'm off to the zoo tomorrow with a variety of people! Lets hope they don't try and keep me in with the rest of the monkeys!! har har very funny.....tis been a pretty bog standard year so far, poor as usual, at uni as usual, work as usual......all so interesting!!
Ahwell atleast ive got something to look forward to at the end of the month!! woop woop im off to amsterdam with uni....its an "educational" trip, but it really is, we are going to a steel factory, woop de dooo!! ooooh look what i have recently learned to do.......
yeah!! thats a bit of Banksy for you all!
well i better be off to bed in preparation for my long day ahead! got good old uncle heppy's birthday party tomorrow night too! yay! nighty night!!