One of those nights...

Jun 10, 2006 10:34

hiii everyone...i'm awake at 10:30 (for god knows what reason) and to kill some time...why not update the good ol' LJ?

Well, life has been treating me pretty well lately, some downs...but ups are there, and it's about time, ha.. only thing that saddens me is the ending of the laramie project, that's all i did for almost 2 months, and after 2 performences... boom, it's just was like my 2nd family, i miss it..a lot.

Ahh but yesterday...yesterday was just one of those days that we all was really just..fantastic, it's near the end of school so of course, not much work going on there, a good amount of kids were on the six flags physics trip, so some classes were empty..not many though.  After school we had the last improv meeting of the year, and in my opinon, the best of the year, we just had the best improv games (started off a lil' slow though, but whatevs) and it just boosted from there.  Only bad thing about that... it was Mazur's and Spector's very last improv meeting, i've known these kids for years, they brought me into this club and trained me, and their just gone..which really saddens me, but no other choice but to move on, right?

After all that was said and done, i got a text from jon schwartz saying "frisbee at hillside, now" so i thought what the hell...i'm down for that.  I didn't plan on staying long, but i ended up staying till around 8:00, completey drained of all the energy i had before.  I left, went home and showered, and actually ended up going to Dana's house for the night..just hung out and the need to go into detail there.

that was my friday, word

We also got our schedules yesterday, i'm changing one class, and...god damnit i got raped by the administartion yet again, 8th period lunch? someone needs to get fucking smacked, i can barely make it to 7th, now i have to make it to 8th? UGH

what, what's everyone doing for the summer?  I want to do something fun, like go somewhere..cross country, a different country, anything, i don't want to sit around everyday just dicking around (as fun as that may be) so, throw suggestions out there, help me out, that's it for this edition, i'll be back sometime soon.
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