Oct 10, 2005 20:23
dear no ass,
i miss you so much right now. i feel like this is the longest i've ever gone without you in my entire life. lately we just havent been able to find time to talk. or to see each other. i got your card the other day. it made me so incredibly happy. but at the same time, it made me so sad. because while i was looking at it and saying to myself "how simple" i was really thinking "its not near that simple in reality." it's not all about ballerina slippers and playing house and putting on plays for our family for 25 cents each. but dont you wish so badly that we could go back to that?
i guess things have been hard for you lately. i feel bad because, i had no idea. after i talked to you tonight for only 5 minutes, i felt like id already missed so much. even thought you just got back today and even though this is the soonest we couldve possibly talked, i still feel like i'm too late. like i shouldve known about it before you went.
does this even make sense?
i was reading through my old journals yesterday and i got to the one that you wrote about ARE fort. and i thought, i would give anything to go back to that fort right now and kill a billion spiders and webs and drip ooblick all over the tree branch and try 20 times to get the perfect picture of me spitting and you climbing a tree. but none of that would be complete unless we rode the tractor back to the fort. and we'd have to come back with at least 5 ant bites and a little bit of sunburn, or it wouldnt be worth it. and youd call first shower (because you always do) and i'd sit in your room and think to myself "why in the world did i help jeanna paint her floor shit brown?"
i guess i just miss you a lot. i hate college. it made us not be as close. but at least i know that we'll always have the kids table at thanksgiving and christmas. thats something no one can ever take away from us. not even our own kids.
i love you,
fat ass