ok.. homecoming was alright.. i didn't have the greatest time of my life.. i had more fun last year.. it's basically becasue i think i got sick from the food at speghetti warehouse.. and then jumping around.. oh gosh, i felt like i was gonna puke. i didn't really dance with anyone which sucked. Andy left becasue he said he felt like he was gonna pass out. i was kinda sad but then again i was kinda like "gah!! now i have no one to suffer with" haha, so mean eh? yeah... dan danced with me to a slow song.. he could tell i was sad and that i had been crying so i was just standing there and he came over and just put his arms around me as if he was giving me a hug. i really liked it. i liked knowing that he was there for me. it made me feel safe. then nick brock danced with me to the last song. i was kinda mad becasue i wanted to dance with dan again.. but i can't hog him.. hahaha. everyone thinks he mean, he's a sweetheart to me. i loved the boy geesh. but yeah. .here are some pics.. enjoy and don't get too fussy... i didn't look that bad
me, before homecoming.. after chantay finished with my hair.. can't see too well, this pic is too dark.. i have it with better lighting.. just ask
me and andy at heather's house... yes, i'm laughing
me and heather... aww i love her, i miss her so!
me, brad, and meg
amanda (jc's g/f), maria, heather, me, and jenna
sarah, jes, meg, heather, maria, me, jenna, amanda, and ann