Alright, this happens to me every now and then. I'm going to get a haircut during Spring Break, and I'm getting the urge to chop it all off again. The thing is, I'm not the best judge of my own hair, and while I remember looking alright with my boy cut in high school, I also remember how shitty it looked when I was trying to grow it back out. Still, I have a REALLY good stylist now that I didn't have back then, so the cut will look way better if I get it done. On the other hand, I have a giant beak nose and I think short hair sets it off. If you could just take a moment of your time to consider the following hairstyles (and yes, I know I look NOTHING like these hot broads, but still) and vote for A, B, or C (C being "keep your hair long, you doofus"), I would really appreciate it.
I think I like the second one better, but I don't know. Oh, and in case you forgot, this is my face:
(devin's face too, lol)
And this applies to anyone who can read this, regardless of how "well" we know each other. I'd love you forever.