F1rst entry!!!!

May 20, 2009 21:15

Yeah, a little cliche', but still. Anyway, I've joined LJ for numerous reasons: first and foremost, cleolinda's blog inspired me to have my own. She always has interesting news, pics, and I really don't know how I would cope through last November without her Twilight reports/snark/fandom wank commentary, and of course, her nothing less than brilliant book recaps. Secondly, I was told by a teacher that  having your own blog is a good way to advertise your services as an artist and show your pics for all to see. Thirdly, I find it impossible to spend an entire week without looking at ONTD, because damnit, they have the best comments on celebrities and movies ever. So, for future reference:
* I will never act like the internet owes me something, nor will I use the phrases, "ALL U GUISE SUCK!" or, "HOW CAN U NOT SAY THAT (X) IS THE BEST THING EVAR?!?!" unless used in reference to someone else's comments.
* Right now I'm working on an original story, and would love to hear suggestions comments, as long as they aren't flames. I want my characters to be as little Mary Sue as possible.
* Basically my friends and I call ourselves what happens when fandom meets sanity.
* I have high-functioning autism, so feel free to ask me any questions. I'll gladly debunk any myths such as, "No, autism is not an invisible crook who steals children's social skills. Yes, autistic people do want to have friends, it's just that we lack the knowledge on how to make any.  No, the genetic manifestation of autism is not the same one the X-Men have..."

So...yeah, enjoy your stay here!

autism, greetings, sarcasm

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