Title: The Shape of Things to Come - 21
greeneyespurple Characters: James Norrington, Cutler Beckett, Theodore Groves
Rating: PG - 13
Word Count: 100
Author's note: Part of an ongoing drabble series with
sunsetdawn20 - updated daily!
Previous Chapters “No, he tastes like a foul liar, nasty murderer and arrogant novice aristocrat” James said disgusted, his lips forming an upside down smile. “He tastes like you, like treachery”
“Treachery? Treachery!” Theo’s fist hit James’ jaw so quickly, that not even Hermes himself could have warned Cutler or James in time.
Theodore kept punching against James’ chest, as Beckett walked to the young boy, holding him by the neck gently.
“Enough” Beckett whispered and smiled “You said enough, leave us now.”
Lord Beckett didn’t have to turn to know that Theodore took the locket with him as he stomped away.