Title: The Shape of things to come - III.
greeneyespurple Rating: PG
Characters: James Norrington
Word count: 100
Author's note: This is the third part of an ongoing drabble series with
sunsetdawn20 - updated daily!
Previous Drabbles III.
James held on to the bedpost, feeling nauseous all of a sudden. His own presence sickened him. With a groan he lifted the bed and threw it over, breaking the bedpost off then smashing the wicked mirror over and over again. Falling on his knees, James looked over the mirror pieces, in each a reflection of Lord Beckett chuckling at him. James fell on his side, wrapping his arms around his head blocking the devil and the echo of the haunting heartbeat out.
He blinked slowly and the bed was still in one piece. The only thing shattered was him.