Bunch of commentfics I forgot to crosspost. Then I backdated them to avoid flist flooding. All are part of
Sammymeme's massive sick/sneezy Sam commentfic program.
Prompt: Dean says Sam's fever is so high they could fry an egg on his forehead. Slightly delirious Sam tests this theory.
Treatment Prompt: Sam is sick and feverish and shivery and cold. However, he thinks that Dean is cold so he tries to give him his scarf or wrap him up in blankets, until Dean is just like, maybe you should cuddle with me in bed to keep me warm.
Operation Warm Prompt: Please I want allergic Sam mowing a lawn.
The Wrong Job Prompt: Sam is sick (flu, pneumonia, whatever). He hasn't felt well enough to eat over the past few days, but now all he wants in the world is a milkshake. Only problem? It's Christmas. Milkshake-selling places are closed. Dean is creative and/or goes to great lengths to be an awesome big brother.
Men's Kitchen Prompt: Sam is sick. Dean runs him a bath. Maybe they could be squatting at a place like they did in 1.08 and it has a giant tub so that they can both fit:P
Chez Realtor Prompt: Sam is coughing a lot for a really long time.
In the Dark Fake fills: Just crack, don't ask.
Crack! And three that were actually posted earlier:
Prompt: (Paraphrased) Dean and wheezy Sam celebrate Chinese New Year in a traditional way.
The Bronze Age Prompt: Sam develops asthma in his mid-twenties. Why can't I breathe, Dean?
The Air Up There Prompt: They misread the directions on the Benadryl and Sam took waaay too much. It's not dangerous, really, he's just VERY SLEEPY OF COURSE.
It Starts With T