Title: No Place to Grow Old
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Some language, some human ugliness in the context of casefics.
Word Count:
Summary: As Dean drove out of Jericho, California, Sam threw back his head and laughed. With all the ugliness that went along with his family's lifestyle, he'd forgotten the thrill of hunting with his brother and the joy of a job well done. Still, there's no way I can keep hunting with you, not now. The long drives and the no sleep, the fights and the beatings, it'll take me a week to recover from this little weekend road trip. And there's no way you'd understand.
In this AU of Season 1, Sam is harboring another secret when Dean finds him at Stanford. Action, adventure, and chronic illness.
Part 1 |
Part 2 Art Master Post This story would never have come to be without the help and support of many people. In approximate chronological order:
4thejourney, who threw
the plotbunny out there in the first place.
shadowc44, for bottle-feeding the plotbunny through infancy and hand-holding the author, more than earning the title of alpha-reader.
reapertownusa, for organizing this amazing exchange and always making me feel that my contribution was important and welcome.
dante-s-hell, for the series of Word Wars that probably made up about half of my serious writing time.
vail_kagami, my awesome artist. Through a VERY odd coincidence, both of our brothers got married during match-up week, but we still managed to get together, and she drafted some lovely pieces in record time.
yasminke, my beta-reader, without whom my punctuation would have verged on the catastrophic and my OCs would have changed names many times in the middle of the story. Any remaining errors are entirely my own fault.