Another Shot at Victory

Feb 25, 2010 10:29

I've been sick with a mysterious fever of mystery for the past two and a half days and while I usually inhale two Advil and get on with my day when faced with high body temperature, this fever has proven to be more of a match for Advil than anticipated. Which means that I did not go to school yesterday and made a brief appearance today in order to take a midterm, then came back home to the comfort of my messy bed. This also means that I have been catching up on all of my school-required reading these past two days, and some leisure reading, as well.

Which leads me to the point of this entry: I am going to attempt the Fifty Book Challenge again! I've started to feel rather illiterate as of late, seeing as how the last book I ever really, really read was Good Omens back in like, October. So, starting today, I will set a 365-day goal to read fifty books, which I failed spectacularly to do when I first attempted this two years ago.

Go me!

EDIT - Now with evidence:

books, reading, challenge, fifty book challenge, thinking, sick

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