Dec 04, 2004 20:15
So today I work for eight hours amidst (is that how you spell it?) angry, pushy, uptight, cranky Christmas shoppers. If there is anything that gets you down around Christmas; this is it. People have totally forgot the real meaning of Christmas. (ok, that sounded really cheesy.) I always thought that even for nonbelievers that Christmas was a joyful, happy time for them. Well the human race just proved me wrong. Lets see...
Today: I got yelled at for not having more than one toy store in the mall. I'm just the info booth girl. Like I really decide what stores are there. I got yelled at for not having any wheelchairs available. We only have five. Theres not enough for every person that doesn't feel like walking that day. I had numerous asian people getting mad because I couldn't understand what they were saying. At least I thinks thats why, like I said, I couldn't really understand them. and on top of all that, I had to wait for 15 minutes on the way home because I needed to cross Main Street and there was a stupid parade going on.
I'm really trying to stay in a good mood for my Jesus' b-day, but it's starting to make me bah humbugish. Thanks for letting me vent. I needed that. Thank God that church is tomorrow. I could use some spiritual food. :)