i love my friends! so i go to school which is gay as usual.. 1st per. drags.. 2nd we 'study' no we talk the whole period.. 3rd i leave and go to the pre school.. i talk to krystal and brian calls.. i said shut up and i swear a 4 year old was going to kill me.. 4th, 5th and 6th suck.. then practice gets canceled.. so im like great.. no ride.. so krystal takes me to lolitas and we eat then we go to her house and try on dresses.. i became very fucking depressed there... gah .. rib cages can fuck off..how do u make those smaller.. then i go home and study a little bit and i get a call from krystal and we go car shopping.. they had the perfect truck.. cept 1 problem.. NO FUCKING 4WD! so now im still looking.. then we get gas for her car and i go home again.. so im studying again and myfone rings.. its taylor.. you know how she is..
tay: melissa what are you doing
me: nothing..
t: wanna go on an adventure..
t: ill be there in 5 -click-
we explore and we go through proctor.. then it hits me -bam- this is where brian lives so we call him and go to his house.. talked for a bit.. then we had to go.. i had fun i love taylor! but yea.. my eventful day.. now i have to study for a final i have tomarrow and get ready for the weekend.. bla.. <33 ya ~melissa
dad face
dads last name.. and the car dealership!
yea i decided fuck a truck.. im getting this.... i like it..
.. j/k
im only kidding about the beamer cuz i saw this badass.. im geting it..
haha badass..
100% slut