7 Deadly Sins Meme-Day 7: Lust

May 20, 2011 16:58

Yay! I made it to the last day of the meme and only had to double up once! Of course, it was just a 7-day meme. Compared to the 30-day memes my friends are always posting, it is a pretty lame accomplishment. Maybe next time I will try to do a longer one. So here is the final day, and they save one of the most fun sins for last. It's LUST, baby!

Day 7 - Lust: 7 love secrets

1. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 26. This may seem like an "anti-lust" confession, but it was not for lack of desire, I just didn't fall in love for realsies (reciprocated and everything) until then.

2. One of my major erogenous zones is my shoulders. I love to have them kissed and bitten gently.

3. I really want to get married one of these days but I am acutely aware that my parents can't pay for a fancy wedding so I wonder how it will ever happen.

4. I still go all ooey-gooey inside every time my boyfriend says "I love you."

5. I consider myself heterosexual for all intents and purposes, but have had some very intense crushes on other females. I guess it's all part of the fluidity of human sexuality.

6. I am a horribly lazy lover, always opting to be on the bottom because it is less work.

7. I am very worried that I have become terribly boring now that I am in love. I even had a nightmare about my own mother telling me as much. I am trying not to talk about my romance too much, but it is hard.

I left out my biggest lust secret because it could get me into a little trouble...

And there you have it. Seven days, seven sins. Anybody have any other good multi-day memes to recommend?

My red-haired honey.

This is me with Edward's two nieces. I am so happy that they like me.


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