Apr 20, 2009 12:10
Saturday was my frivolous day in New York City. Well, mostly frivolous. I did spend over three hours in the Met. I paid twenty dollars and I sure as hell was going to get my money's worth. I think living in DC I take for granted that our museums are free. But it was fun, definitely. I am particularly fond of small, bejeweled things and decorative arts, stuff that wasn't intended to be in a display case, but worn or used. Also, I love that there is a kind of stone called sardonyx.
Besides the Met, I spent most of the day shopping and strolling leisurely through Central Park. I bought the latest Japanese volume of Bleach at Kinokuniya, as well as some stickers and a Tokidoki shirt. Hurray for Tokidoki! I wanted to get the printed volumes of Hetalia, but they were sold out (more on that later). For lunch I got Japanese pastries and a green tea frappe from Cafe Zaiya. I figured I was doing enough walking to indulge in junk food. So I ate a mini mont blanc, melon pan, and a choco coronet (which I ate the Miyuki way of ripping off bits from the tip and dipping it in the chocolate).
After that, I hit up the Nintendo store and bought a Darkrai Pokedoll. It's so cute! I have become really attached to the thing already and now find myself an utter Darkrai lover. It's cute and so soft and its head looks like frozen yogurt.
Even though I do not have a job right now, I let myself have fun in the city. I bought the ticket before I got laid off and it would be a waste not to use. And I didn't even spend as much money as I easily could have. I really love New York.
Oh right, on the topic of Hetalia. Dammit, I got the infection. I like the characters a lot and it's all Pixiv's fault. I have only read a few of the translated comics, though. The fanart is just so silly and cute. When I was at the Met I kept imagining the different countries admiring their own art. My favorite character... Well, I really like Mochimerica if you can consider that a character. I even crocheted one and brought it to NYC in my purse. I am using an icon of it too.
I know it is super lame, but I feel kind of... protective of Alfred (America). He is loud and obnoxious at times, and too enthusiastic. He has his flaws, but he is still a good guy and I don't want everyone to hate him. I also really love Arthur (Britain), Matthew (Canada), Elisabeta (Hungary), and Gilbert (Prussia). Prussia seems like kind of a jerk, but I like him.
So I hope my f-list won't think less of me for jumping on the bandwagon, albeit late, and liking these ridiculous caricatures. I like to think my friends aren't that type. I also find myself liking the Vocaloids. Pixiv will do that to a person.
new york,