(no subject)

Dec 14, 2005 19:55

oh ye i forgot our cheer christmas party was last night

here are some photos!

my beautiful homemade stockin that my grandma made along time agos..just wanted yall to see it..heheee ;)

THE GIRLS! our asum squad!! lyl

bfffs !!! i liket his pic!!

saaaarrrraaahh Wright!! akak whiny hiney

mauahahha!!!! nice mal! pretty em!

xoxoxox much love in da house!

jule anna and me by our tree

kisssey faces haha look at everyones faces..bwhahha look there goes alexx kissin girls..jkjk

captns. me and lauren!!!

me and anna ruth!(hampsta)


bad of me good of miss julie!(monkey and frog)

prettty mal! love ya girl! u crack me up

eheh audra! and our cute shirts that people got the wrong idea about..sheeez

it was alot of fun!  see everyone 2moro

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