Fic: When Jimmy Met Martha ch. 1

Dec 12, 2007 22:18

Title: When Jimmy Met Martha
Disclaimer: They ain’t mine. Don’t sue.
Rating: PG-13 to R for language and innuendo and violence.
Genre: Drama, Humor, and other such things.
Characters: Ten/Rose, Jack, Martha, Torchwood, Mickey, Jake, Jimmy, and others.
Beta: Thanks, Dettiot!
A/N: This serves as the direct sequel to Rainy Day Woman
Summary: Life in his new universe proves to be interesting for Jimmy Stone, to say the least, and the Doctor and Rose are back to traveling, though the Doctor’s sudden urge for shiny rings and cake may make things more complicated than anyone thinks.

When Jimmy Met Martha

Jimmy Stone stood in the console room of the Doctor’s TARDIS, looking around like he always did. He was never here often, and the bigger-on-the-inside alien ness of it never ceased to be interesting. He’d been told not to touch anything, but no one had told him not to touch anyone. And so he found his hand wandering down Rose Tyler’s back. Down…down…dow-

“Jimmy, if you touch Rose’s private bits, I will throw you out into the Vortex.”

Jimmy pouted and dropped his hand. Too bad, though. Rose had a great arse, and he briefly envied his parallel self for having her at one point, even if he’d cocked up royally.

Rose rolled her eyes and turned to Jimmy. “Can’t you keep your hands to yourself?”

“No. I thought you knew that.”

“Well…try.” She glanced toward the jump seat, and whispered. “Why don’t you go and be friendly with Martha?”

Jimmy followed her gaze to the young woman sitting on the aforementioned jump seat, arms and legs crossed, head turned sideways. Dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, and a body to die for. “She does have a nice rack,” Jimmy muttered.

Rose gave him an expectant look.

“Why don’t you go be friendly?” He asked.

“Because she hates me,” Rose replied. “Just…Just go over there.”

“Fine,” Jimmy said. “But if I look up and find your tongue down the Doctor’s throat, I will projectile vomit, and aim for you.”

Rose gave him a horrified look, and turned on her heel to walk over to the Doctor.

Jimmy sighed and turned toward Martha, giving a grin and sitting down next to her. “Hello. I’m Jimmy. Nice shoes. Wanna-“

“Don’t even think about it,” she snapped before he finished.

Jimmy stared at her and then tried again. “Right. Okay.” He held out a hand. “Hello. I’m Jimmy.”

She didn’t shake it. “Martha.”

He nodded. “Nice name, Martha…so…how did you wind up in this flying portable toilet?”

“Oi!” the Doctor cried. “She’s a police box, and she can hear you!”

Martha tried not to grin. “The Doctor needed…well…a doctor for his last little adventure on Gfrishton. And I am one. So he called in a favor.”

Jimmy nodded. “Nice. Very nice.”

“What about you?”

Jimmy shrugged. “Caught with my pants down on Vrectrick Seven. I was on vacation. Rose and the Doc bailed me outta jail.”


“It was all in good fun.”

“We had to pretend you were our first born son,” Rose snapped.

“I changed my mind,” Jimmy said quickly. “Stick your tongue down the alien’s throat; it’ll give you something to do other than butt in on my conversation.”

“Go to hell.”

“You first.”

“Complete idiot!”


The Doctor quirked an eyebrow. “That much closer to being thrown into all of time and space, Jimbo.”

Jimmy gave him a pained look. “Oh, come off it. I didn’t mean it.”

“I did,” Rose smirked.

Martha huffed.

Jimmy looked towards her. “Sorry. Rose is an evil wench sometimes.”

“Wanker,” Rose muttered, cuddling into the Doctor.

Martha watched them briefly, then turned back to Jimmy. “What do you do, then?”

“Torchwood agent!”

Martha squinted. “You work for Torchwood.”

He grinned and tilted his head. “Yep.”


He nodded. “Uh-huh.”

“…You? Jack hired you?” She couldn’t imagine why Jack would hire on someone like Jimmy. Then again; Owen.

Jimmy shrugged. “Jack’s not such a bastard once you get him into bed.”

Martha blinked silently.

“What? He’s a really good shag.”

Martha crossed her arms again and looked away. She caught a glimpse of Rose and the Doctor, talking quietly to each other as he studied the readouts on the view screen.

Jimmy followed her gaze and gave her a suspicious look. “You’re jealous.”

“I am so not talking to you anymore,” Martha replied.

“Oh, come on. I shagged Jack. Is that so bad?”

“Do you have any idea where he’s been?” she said incredulously. “He’s from the future and on top of that, he’s over a hundred years old!” Martha shuddered.

Jimmy shrugged. “Well…yeah.” He glanced at Rose and the Doctor again and then back at Martha. “And you’re jealous.”

“Oh please. Of what?”

“Of Rose,” Jimmy replied simply. “Of what she has or who, I don’t know. But I know jealousy when I see it.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“I just tell it like it is,” Jimmy said. He glanced at Rose and the Doctor. They’d moved closer together, one of his hands wrapped around her waist absently as he pulled his glasses on with the other.

“You don’t know how it is,” Martha replied.

He stared at her for a moment, and watched her as she stared at the couple at the console. “He crossed hell for her. Wanted to stay in the other universe, live a life with her. Didn’t want to be the universe’s bitch anymore, and if Rose didn’t know him so bloody well, she’d have let him. They were shagging like bunnies when they were staying at her parents’ house, and they faked being engaged for a while because-“

“Stop!” Martha cried. “Just…just stop.”

The Doctor looked up then, frowning. “Oi, Jimmy. Don’t be a bastard to Martha. Honestly, can’t you behave?”

Jimmy grinned and shrugged. “Only when I’ve got incentive.”


The TARDIS landed and the Doctor swung open the door. “All ashore that’s going ashore.”

Jimmy grinned and shook the Doctor’s hand. “Thanks for the save, mate.”

The Doctor nodded. “Don’t want to make a habit of it.”

“See ya, Doctor,” Martha smiled.

The Doctor grinned. “Thanks for your help, Martha.” He reached out and gave her a friendly hug. “See you around.”

Jimmy looked back at Rose. “Oi, Jake an’ Mickey an’ I were talking about clubbing tonight. Come with.” He grinned at Martha. “You as well.”

Martha shook her head. “I’ve got the night shift at work. Thanks though.”

Rose took a deep breath and gave the Doctor a hopeful look.

He sighed. “Oh, go on. Have fun. Don’t get into too much trouble.”


It was just like old times; the three of them wandering down the street, half-drunk to a local, lively club.

“So…” Jimmy said to Rose with interest. “Martha Jones.”

“What about her?”

“She’s hot. And smart. And really jealous of you.”

Rose sighed heavily. “It’s not my fault.”

“I never said it was.” He shoved his hands into his pockets as they got into the queue to be let into the club. “Wish she woulda come tonight.”

Mickey tilted his head. “You fancy her.”

“Do not. Just met her.”

“And fancy her,” Jake added.

“Sod off, all of you.”

Rose and Mickey gave each other knowing looks, and Jake whistled a smug tune.

“Sod off,” Jimmy muttered again.

when jimmy met martha, rainy day, doctor who

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