Title: Fifty-Four Months In
Disclaimer: Sally's mine. The rest are not. Don't sue.
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff! Fluffy Fluff fluff!
Summary: All in all, living in a house isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Alright, it’s bad, but it’s tolerable.
under the cut. Thanks for reading!
Dear Sally,
Today you are 54 months old. Around four and a half. I don’t know if I can ever apologize enough for pulling a runner on you and your mum on your birthday. I know how sad you were. I’m still sorry. I think I always will be.
So in the past six months we’ve bought a house! That’s right, a house. With doors and windows and carpets (only in the basement, really) and wallpaper, and we’ve been living there, since you’re mum is still recovering from getting hurt. And her recovery is going brilliantly. Amazing woman, you mum. Still healing from her wounds and she still managed to make you up a late birthday cake. From scratch.
Right. Amazing and a bit loony. I can live with that, though.
The house we purchased is in a suburb just outside of London, and isn’t all that very big, but it’s a good size, and the yard around it is huge. Lots of trees and woods and the like, and you’ve loved it. Uncle Jack put up a tire swing, hanging it from one of the bigger trees close to the house. It’s been a constant source of amusement for you, swinging around and twirling in circles, making yourself dizzy.
There are a few sturdy trees a little further into the yard that are perfect, I feel, for building a tree house on. Marvelous things, tree houses. I’ve got the blue prints all drawn up. You’re going to love it when it’s done. It needs to be started first, but still! It’ll be brilliant.
All in all, living in a house isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Alright, it’s bad, but it’s tolerable. I miss living in the TARDIS, and I know you do as well.
The truth is your mum and I are wondering if we shouldn’t stay here on Earth to bring you up. It’s a good house, and we’ve unpacked a bit, and you seem fairly content if a little confined. You’ve had regular play dates with Eve and Tessa, and that’s been thrilling. You mum started a little gardening, which has you quite captivated. You sit in front of the plants and you keep telling me you can see them growing.
More proof of being the child of a Time Lord. A relief, honestly.
The thing is that it’s been a long time since I’ve lived in a house for any considerable amount of time. Houses take some getting used to. The other day you finally realized that there isn’t a full-sized swimming pool in the house, and that the house is as big on the inside as it is on the outside.
Yes, it’s boring, but houses have perks, like the aforementioned backyard, and windows. You room has a big window with a window seat and you like to look up at the stars. We started a book of constellations with drawings and names and meanings. It’s replaced your bedtime story, and I feel it’s a much better use of that time.
Speaking of, it’s about that time. See you in a minute.
Your Dad,
The Doctor