Rainy Day Woman ch. 6

Sep 28, 2007 23:39

Title: Rainy Day Woman Ch. 6
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Doctor Who
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Reunion
Spoilers: All Who stuff
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Characters: Ten/Rose, Jackie, Pete, Tyler offspring, Mickey, Jake
Summary: The Doctor makes his way back to a wiser Rose, but things are not as cut and dry as he'd hoped. They have one weekend to decide where they stand, what they want, and where that leaves them.
A/N: This would have been up a lot sooner if I had realized that I'd written 8 pages and not 4...
Thanks for all the great feedback!

Under the cut

“Last chance,” the Doctor muttered as he handed Rose a glass of wine. They were standing by the bar in the large ballroom, surrounded by the same set of people as the night before, and dressed slightly more casual.

She sighed heavily. “Stop.”

“I mean it.”

Rose took a long sip of wine. “Stop trying to convince me to stay here.”

“I’m not. I just-“

“Doctor, I made my choice a long time ago,” she said quietly, glancing around them at the people mingling and dancing. She turned back to him. “I’m never gonna leave you.”

“You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”

“Do you want me to stay here?”

“No,” he said quickly. “But I don’t want you to regret leaving your family behind.”

She set down her glass and took his hand. “Stop this. Please. Just…accept that I’m coming with you.”

The Doctor looked down.

Rose put her hands on his cheeks to make him look at her. “I love you.”

He leaned down and rested his head on her shoulder.

She ran a hand through his hair. “I love you,” she repeated.

Someone cleared their throat behind them, and the Doctor shot up, straightening out his blue suit.

Rose turned around and gave Nigel a thin smile. “Hello.”

He nodded. “Rose, if you please, I’d like to have a word with you.”

She sighed and reached up, straightening the Doctor’s hair, only to have it rebel against her, as usual. “I’ll be back, yeah? Stay outta trouble.”

He grinned and nodded.

She followed Nigel over to where her parents were standing, but her mind was solely on the Doctor. He didn’t want her to regret leaving. He didn’t want that regret to be his fault. But no matter what she did, she’d regret something. She just knew she’d regret letting him leave without her more than anything else.

“If I could have your attention, Rose,” Nigel said. “And yours, Mr. and Mrs. Tyler.”

Jackie turned to him. “What is it now, Nigel?”

Pete gave a grin. “Now, Jacks. I’m sure Nigel here has something deeply interesting to tell us, don’t you, lad?”

“I do, indeed,” Nigel nodded. “Today, I did some research.”

“You very well did, didn’t you?” Pete asked.

Jackie glanced at Pete and then back to Nigel. “And?”

“And, I have some terrifying, and disturbing news, Mrs. Tyler.” He turned to Rose and cleared his throat. “This concerns you, Rose.”

She still wasn’t really paying any attention. She seemed to be having some sort of silent conversation with the Doctor. He crossed his eyes briefly and then grinned. When she giggled, Nigel cleared his throat.

“If I may!”

She turned toward him suddenly. “Sorry, what were you saying?”

“I have some very important information, Rose,” Nigel said, taking her arms. “On why you can’t possibly marry Doctor ‘John Smith’ over there.”

Rose looked to the Doctor, whose eye twitched slightly at the bodily contact Nigel was making. She pursed her lips and shrugged at him.

“Poor Rose,” Nigel said with a kind smile. “Poor, unfortunate Rose, who’s been deceived so, so very much.”

Rose blinked. “What are you on about?”

“Don’t be frightened,” Nigel said, wrapping his arms around her.

She pushed him away gently. “Hands off, thanks.”

“You see, Rose; Mr. and Mrs. Tyler. That man,” Nigel said loudly, pointing to the Doctor, “is an alien!”

The entire room fell completely silent.

Rose blinked at Nigel, and then looked to the Doctor, who looked as if he was doing his best to keep from bursting into laughter. She looked to Mickey, Jake and Jimmy, who were all looking at each other, bemused.

It was Jackie who finally spoke up.

“Well of course he is!” she cried. “You know any humans who stick their fingers in the jam the way he does?!”

Nigel stared at the woman in shock.

“And honestly,” Jackie went on. “Who licks doors? I’ll to you who, he does.” She pointed to the Doctor. “Licks doors. Humans don’t lick doors.”

Rose tried her very best not to laugh, pressing her wrist to her mouth, but her eyes were filling with tears of mirth.

“And! He’s got two hearts!” Jackie finished, nodding her head.

Jimmy finally burst out into drunken laughter, followed shortly thereafter by Jake and Mickey.

The rest of the room followed suit, thinking this was some sort of joke.

Nigel opened his mouth, but didn’t say anything. He looked to the Doctor, who shrugged, and grinned, lifting his glass of wine in a salute, before taking a sip.

Rose sniffled, wiping away her tears, thankful for her waterproof mascara. “Was that it, then?”

“I’m afraid not,” Pete said. He was the only one who wasn’t laughing, besides Jackie, who was shaking her head at the Doctor. Pete clapped Nigel on the shoulder. “You illegally sifted through Torchwood’s classified documents, Nigel.”

The younger man opened his mouth to protest.

Pete shrugged, and took out his cell phone, dialing a number. “I’m afraid that’s a federal offense.”

“I had clearance!” Nigel cried.

Pete shook his head. “The only way to get clearance to that section of our files is through me. That didn’t happen. Rose, Mickey.”

They restrained Nigel by the arms.

“You’re under arrest,” Mickey said. He pulled a pair of cuffs from his pocket and fastened them onto the other man’s hands.

“Peter!” Eleanor cried, rushing over. “You can’t do this!”

Pete shrugged. “He broke the law, Mum. It’s part of my job. As head of Torchwood it’s my duty to uphold our codes of conduct and rules at all times. Nigel here has been a naughty boy.”

Eleanor stared her son down, but knew she wouldn’t win. “And that man…Rose’s fiancé…he’s an alien?”

Pete grinned at his mother. “The world may never know.”


Hours later after everyone had left; Rose was again, sitting in the dining room. She, Jimmy, Jake, Mickey and her parents had cracked open many bottles of wine, and were giggling.

“That man!” Jimmy mocked, pointing at the wall in front of him drunkenly. “Is an alien!”

“Can you believe it?!” Rose cried, laughing along with everyone else. “All that ceremony to tell me the Doctor’s an alien!”

“He thought he was so clever!” Mickey added, draining his glass. “He didn’t even try to convince you to marry him! He was so certain he had you right then and there!”

Jackie got to her feet, quite tipsy. “He thought the whole room was going to gasp! And stare at the Doctor and…”

“And we’d chase him with fire and pitchforks,” Pete snorted.

“That could be an interesting bit of roll playing in the bedroom,” Jimmy said to Rose. “He, the frightened, hunted alien, and you, the innocent savior!”

Jake shook his head. “Thass all you ever think about is shaggin.”

“Fancy it?” Jimmy asked.

Mickey and Jake both groaned.

“I thought you was leavin’, Rose,” Jackie said as she sat back down, leaning into Pete.

Rose sighed. “The Doctor is still fine tuning the TARDIS. Said we’d leave in the morning.”

“Well, good, we can have breakfast, then,” Jackie smiled.

“If we wake up at all,” Mickey grinned, pouring another round into everyone’s glasses.

“None for me, thanks,” Rose giggled as Mickey tried to pour her more wine. “I should go see that alien of mine.”

“Make sure he hasn’t left without us,” Mickey joked.

“We’d have heard him,” Jackie pointed out. She pointed at Rose. “He’d better take good care o’ you or I’ll find a way over there and kill him.”


“Aw, don’t kill him,” Jimmy complained. “He’s got too good an arse to kill.”

Rose pointed at him, feeling a little drunker than before. “Don’t you stare at the Doctor’s arse. That belongs to me.”

Pete chuckled. “Alright. I think it’s time to put the wine away.”

Jake pouted and pretended to cuddle his glass. “But it’s so good!”

“It’s nearly four in the morning, and you lot have to be up to leave on the TARDIS,” Pete said.

Rose got to her feet and nearly fell back into her chair with a giggle.

“Oh, someone is feeling all that wine,” Mickey teased as he got up.

“Shut up,” she snapped with a smile.

“Jimmy, I set up your usual guest bed down in the basement,” Jackie said. “Everybody off now. Go on.”

“Can I take the wine with me?” Jake asked.

Mickey gave his boyfriend a worried look, and then turned to Jimmy. “You’ve been a bad influence!”

“Wha-“ Jimmy looked scandalized. “I did nothing!” He turned to walk out but hit the doorframe. “Shit!”

“What is going on down here?” the Doctor asked as he walked into the room. “You lot could wake the dead let alone Gareth.”

Rose giggled more. “Dad’s fault. He busted out the wine.”

“I didn’t think we’d drink almost four bottles,” Pete protested.

Rose stumbled over to the Doctor and fell into him. “Hello.”

“Rose Tyler, I do believe you are very drunk.”

“Me? I’m not drunk! Who’s drunk?!” she cried.

“You are,” Jackie replied. “Worse than Jimmy sometimes, I swear.”

“Oi!” Jimmy cried. “I resent that! No one’s worse than me!”

Mickey shook his head. “Idiot.”


“So’re you!” Jake cried.

“Wanna make something of it?!” Jimmy cried.

“No,” Jackie snapped. “No fighting! Pete, take Jimmy downstairs. Jake, get Mickey upstairs. Doctor…” she turned and motioned towards Rose. “Do something with her.”

The Doctor grinned a little and wrapped an arm under her knees, lifting Rose into his arms. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”

She grinned as he started to walk away. “Bed sounds nice.”

“To sleep,” the Doctor told her.

She pouted.

He grinned at her and kissed her nose as he started to climb the stairs.

Rose looked up at him with dazed eyes and ran a finger down his cheek. “You have beautiful eyes.”

“Thank you. Did you know eyes are a delicacy on Yigrontricoria?”

She wrinkled her nose.

“They say they taste like grapes.”

“Right,” Rose nodded. “If the wine doesn’t make me throw up, s’nice to know that you will.”

The Doctor gave her a confused look as he walked to the French doors that led into her room. “Oh!” he said in realization. “You were…you were trying to be romantic!”

She nodded.

“Oh. Well…er…” He pursed his lips as he stopped inside her room. “Can…can we try that again?”

“Only because I’m drunk.”

“I’m ready this time.”


“Go on.”

Rose smiled and giggled. “You have beautiful eyes.”

The Doctor kissed her gently. “You have beautiful everything.” He smiled triumphantly as Rose bit her lip. “See? I can be romantic.”

She kissed him again as he sat down on the bed. She settled in his lap. “Bloody alien.”

He gasped in mock horror. “Oh no! You’ve found out my terrible secret! Now we can’t get married and have those gorgeous children I was bragging about!”

Rose gasped as well. “Oh no! Whatever shall I do?! I’ve been deceived! I’m engaged to an alien!” She dramatically put the back of her hand to her forehead and pretended to faint, flopping back onto the mattress.

The Doctor chuckled and watched her. “I have never been prouder of your mother than I was tonight. She was brilliant.”

Rose giggled. “I can’t believe she just let all that out.”

“All those months of pent up aggression from dealing with my bad habits. It had to come out sometime.” He shook his head. “Fantastic timing.”

Rose yawned and nodded, stretching her arms above her head.

The Doctor ran a hand down her middle gently. “Come on. Out of that dress and into bed.”

She grinned.

“For sleep,” the Doctor said again. “You’re drunk.”


“And…I’m not…having sex with you when you’re drunk.”

“Why not?”

”Because…it’s strange. You’re not in control of all your higher functions and that could lead to very strange and awkward copulation.”

Rose sighed. “Fine. Alright.” She sat up and unzipped the back of her dress, pulling it off and then pulled the covers over herself.

The Doctor blinked. “Rose Tyler, you are a tease.”

She smiled and pulled the sheets up to her nose.

He grinned and kissed the top of her head.

fic, rainy day woman, doctor who

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