i stole this from ya jodes....now you have my answers!!

Sep 18, 2005 15:50

Its Time That Real Girls Answer To These Things-Tell Us If You Think The Following Are Important To You:
1 . Tell her she is beautiful, not hott.~  yes yes yes i would much rather be told that i am beautiful rather than that i am hot
2 . Hold her hand at any moment even if it just for a second.~ i love to be held especially when the guy initiates the holding like they just hold you and not have to be told
3 . Kiss her on the forehead.~ to me these are like the most intimate of all kisses. i love them more than kisses on lips
4 . Leave her voice messages to wake up to. ~ thats cute sometimes but i leava my phone on at night so if i hear it ring im going to answer it rather than let it go to voicemail
5 . Always tell her you love her at any and all times.~ umm no i dont like a guy who is gushy all the time... it shows weakness
6 . When she is upset hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you. ~ no when i am upset just tell me im right and get out of my way only hol me tight if im about to fight but than realize i probably am going to beat your ass if your doing that
7 . Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most.~ yes! i go through a lot of trouble to look good for my guy i intend for him to notice a hairstyle even if i just got a trim
8 . Sing to her no matter how horrible your voice is. ~ i can deal without that thanx...if you cant sing sing anyways is my motto but not when your trying to be romantic only do it to be funny
9 . Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with. NO!!! never chooses a girl over your friends doesnt matter if your friends are girls they were your friends first never put a butch in front of your peeps!
10. Write her notes. {she loves them}~ just text me!
11. Introduce her to family and friends as your girlfriend.~ yes! i love it when i am meeting friends and they say whos this he says my girlfriend
12. Play with her hair. ~ especially after a long day of work! or tennis!
13. Pick her up, tickle her and play-wrestle with her.~ box with me! i might be a girl but i can fuck a dude up! play around but dont be afraid to hit me!
14. Sit in the park and just talk to her.~parks are nice they are slightlly romantic when there arent a million little kids runnin around being all dingy!
15. Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her jokes. ~ try to make me smile as much as possible!
16. Throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night just because you missed her.~ yes this is extrmely old fashioned but i think it would be so cute and awesome!
17. Let her fall asleep in your arms.~YES YES YES YES!!! its like the most comfortable position to sleep in, especially if the guy has big enough arms to wrap around you!
18. Carve your names into a Tree.~ maybe just the initials
19. If she's mad at you, kiss her. ~ dont come near me when i am mad specially if its at you!
20. Give her piggyback rides.~ yeah and let me try to carry you too!
21. Bring her Flowers just because. ~ flowers are so sweet
22. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when your alone. ~ HELL YEA! i dont want a fake guy
23. Look her in the eyes and smile. ~ always
24. Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants.~ Pictures of you and her  or just you is so awesome to have!
25. Slow dance with her, even if there isn't any music playing. ~yea its such a turn on
26. Kiss her in the rain.~OMG YES! nuff said
27. If your in love with her . . . Tell her! ~ yes but not too early and not because you think you are because you know you are!
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