Hollywood here I come!

Jul 12, 2006 19:31

Ok, so at work this past week many things happened for the restaurant. Our coffee guy Sammy was on Good Morning America making coffee, he looked so cute, hes such a great guy. And then this Japanese magazine came and took pictures of all over the place...then Rocko (the food guy) came to shoot a pilot for a new show of his at the bar. The cameras were all up in my face with their glaring HOT lights. I had to keep working, so I kept swerving beneath and around the cameraguys. I even stood behind the producer and watched how it was coming out on the little mini screen he had attached to the camera...

Then the next day, it wasnt busy but it was nice out. A guy comes into the restaurant and asks me if they can shott a scene outside of the bar of their actors buying some gelato. I was like ....um...um... (thinking in my head if it was ok for me to make the decision and not call my boss)... OK. "Do you want me to do it?" "Yea, that would be great". So I go outside and do the whole "ACTION!" thing, and do my shpeal of "cup or cone" bull. THey made me sign a release form and i'll be credited in the movie if they use the scene:) Im a movie star baby!

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