Dec 05, 2005 21:21
it seems like everytime I want to write in this thing Im baking a cake or something or other.
Im sitting in the lounge, waiting for it to be done while Alexi is sleeping and trying to gain back his energy that hes lost from two days of work and a paper he stayed up all night for. Good night Alexi. (I wonder if I should wake him up for cake/brownies?)
Im going to Philli on Friday and took off work on Friday and Sunday so I could hang out with my sister and her smart soon-to-be doctors. We're also going to the Fiona Apple concert (main reason I am going to Philli) and I CANT WAIT FOR IT, but it seems surreal bc I cant imagine Philli so I cant imagine going to a concert there.
But anyway, just blabing, so the blaving should end. Good night folks:)