(no subject)

Sep 09, 2005 19:58

T I M E    F L Y S    B Y

yea i havent updated in like forever, but ive been reallllly busy with school and v/b and stuff, so yea sry, umm last weeek wus awsome, me amy lauren meredith and annemarie went to the lake at chris' and he brought kris, hikeal and colby, it wus soo fun, lauren and i found this rock thing, and ofcoure i wus like the test animal, so they made me jump first, to see if it wus deep enough, lol and it wus thank goodness, and omg it wus soooo fun, and then later that day we met up with emma, and everybody went like tubing and skiing, which wus cooool, and i would post all the CRAZY pics that were taken that weekend, but i cant find the cord that hooks up all the pics 2 my computer, so ill have 2 do those some other time, sry

just random things that have been goin on in the past week

-got an A on my Lit. test, whoa!

-i have become insanly addicted to fried chicken (thx merry thx alot)

-im acutally playin alot more in v/b games now

-i wanna apologize 2 all the girls on the team cus i wus bein an ass, at a couple of our games

-ummmm i hit shelllie really hard in the face today with a carrot....it wus an accident..

-ive got a homcoming date

soooo yea i wus goin through my pics in my room and came around this pic, haha i wus such an funny kid

the beginning and end of my dancing career, hahaha


me+sarah+lauren, in our traditional v/b pics

got bored, so i answered these random questions

DO YOU [Smoke?] yes i am an avid smoker...NO
[Do drugs?] baby u know thats not how i roll
[Read the newspaper?] yup
[Pray?] yes ma'am
[Go to church?] every sunday
[Talk to strangers who IM you?] depends
[Sleep with stuffed animals?] yea, my mangiea
[Take walks in the rain?] ofcourse..
[Talk to people even though you hate them?] yes i wouldnt talk 2 a person that i hated, but yea i reallly dont have anyone on my hate list[Drive] yes
[Like to drive fast?] yup, when my dads not lookin at my spedonmiter thing (which he always is!)

HAVE YOU [Hurt yourself?] um no
[Hated your voice] not really (yes these questions r reallly random)
[Been out of the country?] oh yea!
[Been in love?] hmmmm......(sigh)..lol
[Gone skinny dipping?] YES, and it wus amazing, if u havent skinny diped u HAVENT LIVED! (black walnut)
[Had a medical emergency?] well 1 day i got a big PIECE OF WOOD IN MY FOOT, and yea i had 2 get stiches......lol
[Had surgery?] on my foot, and my mouth
[Ran away from home?] all the time, but i end up comin bak in like 10 mins, lol
[Played strip poker?] yes, but it really wusnt a like INSTENSE strip poker thing
[Got beaten up?] yes, by my cousins, its really not fair acutally, cus there like allllll guys, so yea i def. have a disadvantage lol

[Beaten someone up?] actually....
[Been picked on?] yea by meredith+justin bunn, in the 8th grade, yea u guys were big assholes---<3--
[Been on stage?] yup
[Slept outdoors?] yes
[Thought about suicide?] um no im not a coward
[Pulled an all nighter?] yea, who hasnt?
[If yes, what is your record?] till like 5 a.m......lol i didnt last long
[Gone one day without food?] r u kidding me, i would die
[Talked on the phone all night?] yea i guess, but i dont really use the cellular phone that often
[Slept all day?] till like 3

[Like Music] yea baby, altern/rock, classical rock and rap (but only kayne west+pretty ricky)
[Killed someone?] yup, somtimes i just cant control myself lol?
[Made out with a stranger?] nope
[Had sex with a stranger?] no thx i dont wanna get a scorching case of herpes
[Thought you're going crazy?] all the time
[Done anything sexual with the same sex?] nope sry guys
[Been betrayed?] yup
[Had a dream come true?] acutally yes
[Broken the law?] umm..
[Met a famous person?] yup mia hamm
[Have you ever killed an animal by accident?] no but i wish i could of killed Chalupa, from the OLV science lab, that damn bird
[Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?] we all make our mistakes
[Stolen anything?] dude im so against stealing its not EVEN funnny
[Been on radio/tv?] no but like my house has been
[Been in a mosh-pit?] yupe, and it wus amazing!!!!!
[Had a nervous breakdown?] hell yes
[Bungee jumped?] yup, it wus so friggin cool
[Had a dream that kept coming back?] yea actually, it wus about like this big Hershys kiss that kept chasing me, and i wus inside a Pac-man game thing...yea it wus pretty funnny...cus i would always wake up wanting chocolate...haha

comment on this, or u can just say "hey"
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