(no subject)

Jun 12, 2005 19:40

this week has been very tiring cus of volleyball, volleyball, volleyball! and i am quite sore...

mi new computadora.....!yo amore mis padres!

el printer (and i just found out it had a scanner 2! yay)

sry lauren i kinda snaged these ?'s from u! 0;) mwah! x0x0

:x: name =kaitlyn

:x: peircings =ears
:x: tattoos = not now, most definatly later
:x: height = 5’8
:x: hair color = brown
:x: length = definatly long
:x: siblings = 1

:x: movie you rented = flight of the pheonix
:x: movie you bought = riding in cars with boys
:x: song you listened to = diomond dogs-beck
:x: song that was stuck in your head = debra-beck
:x: cd you listened to = jack johnson
:x: person you've called = lauren
:x: person that's called you = haha justin lanzi, sry i didnt pick up!
:x: tv show you've watched = the suite life of matt and cody, or w/e its called!
:x: person you were thinking of = keith…


:x: you have a boyfriend or girlfriend = nope, im livin life single
:x: you have a crush on someone = ofcourse
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else= nope I love bama
:x: you think about suicide = oh yea all the time, im just on a suicidal roller coaster right now!
:x: you believe in online dating = don’t care, w/e floats yur boat
:x: others find you attractive = dunno
:x: you want more piercings = oh yes
:x: you drink = next question plz
:x: you do drugs = hell no, drugs are for fags that have no life (sry 2 all u drugies out there)
:x: you smoke = nope, there are better ways 2 die
:x: you like cleaning = not really, but sometimes I get these sudden urges 2 clean…
:x: you like roller coasters = omg yes, I always have 2 go on them by myself, cus my whole family hates them.. ;(
:x: you write in cursive or print = cant tell, its so sloppy... i quess a combination of both


:x: using someone = for...(if its for a good reason)
:x: suicide = against
:x: killing people = against (unless in defense)
:x: teenage smoking = defiantly agaisnt
:x: premarital sex = Against, sex isnt love, sry i had 2 break it to ya...theres no condom for the heart, (hmm 2 much Pure Love for kaitlyn)
:x: driving drunk = against (driving drunk is just a sign that yur a shit head, and care about no1)


:x: food = crazy monkey ice cream- from brusters
:x: song = um I dunno probably any song by the pat magee band, or foo fighters, or jack johnson

:x: thing to do = being in the middle of a big group of friends
:x: thing to talk about = wow.. I have NO idea

:x: sports = v/b, field hocky, la crosse, badmiton
:x: drinks = hiC lemonade, or fitz’s orange soda (can only get that in st.loui)

:x: clothes = ummm right now…id have 2 say anything from GAP
:x: movies = Peter Pan, the princess bride, and so many more
:x: holiday = christmas
:x: new nerdy saying = sry im not a nerd

:x: ever cried over a girl/boy = yup
:x: ever lied to someone = yes, and so have u

:x: ever been in a fist fight = it wus only 1 time! (it wus like in 6th gr. and we were playin a v/b game...and this girl wus bein a ball hog, annndd umm i got a lil pissed....

:x: ever been arrested = close, I didn’t mean 2 hit the mailbox!!!


:x: of times I have been in love? =honestly i think that ppl our age dont really know wut that means
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = umm once I think
:x: of hearts I have broken? = who knows?
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends?= 9
:x: of people I consider my enemies? = 0
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = 7?? who knows?

:x: of scars on my body? = like 13
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = 900


:x: word = scallywag
:x: nickname = NOT katy or KATE ugh, um boobah I quess  (I didn’t really think ppl would start callin me it)
:x: guy name = robert, micheal, william, ooh yyyeaa and percy.. lol

:x: girl name = elizabeth, devin, claire
:x: eye color =  green

:x: flower = lily, or gardina
:x: piercing = ears, nose
:x: actress = demi moore

:x: actor = OWEN WILSON, jeremy sumpter


:x: pretty = no idea
:x: funny = at times I suppose..
:x: friendly = hope so
:x: amusing = nope im a pretty dull kid..
:x: ugly = oh yea baby
:x: loveable = haha
:x: pessimistic = I try not 2 be
:x: caring = yupe
:x: sweet = yes sweet as suga
:x: dorky = yes in my own way, i quess
:x: Spell your first name back wards = nyltiak
:x: The story behind your user name = um I have green eyes…and I luv tinkerbell

:x: Where do you live? = bama


:x: Wallet = dark green
:x: Hairbrush = metallic green
:x: Toothbrush = green and white
:x: Jewelry worn daily = earings
:x: Pillow cover = um right now it’s a pretty sleepover 1 from my 13th birhday with all my friends names written on it
:x: Blanket = blue and white, ive had since I wus a baby..i call it mangia
:x: Sunglasses = green ofcourse (omg i just got a new pair today)
:x: Shoes = well im wearin white bohemian like ones
:x: Handbag = omg I just got a new one at GAP its like kaki, ahh i luv it
:x: Favorite top = its from gap its whit and has like a circle in the middle its hard 2 describe
:x: What you are wearing now = um joe’s crab shack shirt and soccer shorts
:x: Hair = brown, long, umm curly for today

:x: Make up = none on


:x: In my mouth = um nothing, except my tongue
:x: In my head = im thinkin of v/b conditoning tommarow
:x: Wishing = that I would of gone 2 bed earlier
:x: Talking to = myelf
:x: Eating = nothing, unfortunatly
:x: Person you wish you could see right now = Jesus.....what?..hes a cool guy

:x: Is next to you = a lamp
:x: Something you're looking forward to in this up coming month = goin 2 camp in NC
:x: Something that you are deathly afraid of? = never figuring out myself, or getting bite by a shark
:x: Do you like candles = oh yes
:x: Do you like hot wax = I always play with it whenever I light a candle
:x: Do you like incense = yea I luuv lavendar incense, omg ahhh I love that crap, my mom always tell me 2 stop lighten them and stuff
:x: Do you believe in love = ofcourse
:x: Do you believe in soul mates = sure do
:x: Do you believe in love at first sight = yup
:x: Do you believe in forgiveness = omg yes
:x: What do you want done with your body when you die = defiantly creamated and have my body like scattered over a mountain or something, cus I mean who would wanna have there body rot in a casket? Think about it?
:x: Who is your worst enemy? = me ofcourse
:x: If you could have any animal for a pet = a koala bear, or spider monkey

:x: What is the latest you've ever stayed up = 5 lol
:x: Ever been to Belgium? = nope, maybe 1 day
:x: Can you eat with chopsticks = yup
:x: What are some of your fave. pig out foods? = snickers, or lays baked chedder chips,
:x: Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time? =all my friends from florida ;(

:x: Are you happy this is over: it wus kinda fun, u should try it

~~have u ever like just looked at sombody and like just get butturflies in yur stomach, and when u think about them u smile ?~~hmmm

-has anybody from JCC even close to even finishing THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKELBUERRY FINN?
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